ADHD Testing
ADHD Testing
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is most commonly diagnosed during childhood, but for some, ADHD can begin or continue into adulthood. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent patterns of inattention and trouble concentrating. In addition to difficulties focusing, individuals with ADHD may also be hyperactive and, in some cases, have trouble controlling their impulses. These symptoms can increase problems such as disorganization, low self-esteem, addiction, poor time management, and difficulty holding down a job, which can be damaging to a person’s motivation to pursue their goals and highest potential. An accurate diagnosis as well as assessing other potential mental health issues is important to determine the best line of treatment.
ADHD testing refers to the process of assessing and diagnosing ADHD in individuals who are exhibiting symptoms suggestive of the condition. Here's an overview of the key aspects of ADHD testing:
Clinical Interviews: The assessment typically begins with clinical interviews conducted by our psychologist to gather information about the individual's symptoms, medical history, developmental history, and psychosocial context. Input from parents, caregivers, teachers, or relevant sources may be sought. (We will always get your approval and get a release of information from you before contacting any collateral sources).
Rating Scales and Questionnaires: Various rating scales and questionnaires are used to assess ADHD symptoms and their impact on daily life. These measures are completed by the individual, their parents/caregivers, and teachers to provide a comprehensive view of symptoms across different settings.
Psychological Testing: Psychological tests may be administered to evaluate cognitive abilities, executive functioning, and emotional/behavioral functioning. These tests can help assess comorbid conditions, rule out potential causes of symptoms, and provide additional insights into the individual’s overall functioning.
An objective, computer-based test evaluates attention ability and inhibitory control. Test results are compared with results from similar individuals, allowing our psychologist to comprehensively assess ADHD symptoms and severity. How does it work? The individual takes the test at a computer and holds a responder button. During the test, different symbols are shown on the computer screen. The objective of the test is to push the responder button when a certain symbol appears on the screen. The test usually takes 20 minutes to complete.
An NPPA psychologist examines the individual's symptoms, severity and duration of any symptoms, and any associated impairment to determine if an individual meets diagnostic criteria for ADHD. ADHD testing also involves ruling out other conditions that may be present with similar symptoms, which helps ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment recommendations. All results are compiled, with a written report of results, diagnosis (if applicable), summary, and recommendations provided, which will be reviewed with the psychologist.